The Elegant Symmetry of Inverting Sums

The beauty and power of Möbius inversion

Kasper Müller
Cantor’s Paradise
4 min readFeb 27, 2024


An image that visually interprets the concept of Möbius inversion, incorporating mathematical symbols and elements related to sums, divisors, and the Möbius function. This artistic representation aims to capture the beauty and complexity of mathematical relationships.
Image generated by AI

The first time I saw this, I was hooked! You can’t “unsee” it and you don’t want to forget it because the fact that it is true is so amazing. This is just the start of a more general theory in mathematics that I will briefly touch upon at the end of the article.



Mathematician, programmer and writer interested in the mysteries of the Universe, fascinated by the human mind, music and things that I don’t understand.